About Us
Hi, our name is JULY <3
The abbreviations of the names of the members who joined this team are Jessica, Ullya, Leaf, and Yupiruu. We are writers, comic artists, and illustrators based in Indonesia.Currently, we have 4 webcomics; REQUIEM: Recalling your Memories, Love to You, Tacenda (oneshot) on Webtoon ID also My Little Blessing (oneshot) on Paras Comic, which can be read for FREE on several platforms that we link to here.If you want to support us by donation, click the Paypal icon. Thank you for visiting and always loving us. ♡
JULY members SNS
seoulastration (IG & TikTok Jessica)
th.leaf (IG & TikTok) - leafwiltingwind (Twitter)
ullya_2 (IG & TikTok Ullya)
mavvfuwaa (Instagram Yupiruu)